Investment Management Overview Blitzcamp in person training
The Blitzcamp is a one-day introduction to the investment management industry providing a broad overview of how an investment management business is structured and the workflow through the firm. It builds on the foundational learning from the Financial Services Industry Overview Blitzcamp showing candidates how investment research, portfolio management, dealing, administration, governance and technology fit together within an investment management firm. It also considers how the firm interacts with other industry players such as stockbrokers, the stock exchanges, STRATE and outsourced service providers.
An excellent foundational introduction for all people new to working in the investment management environment, it also offers value for those working in related areas such as compliance, IT, stockbroking, auditing or within the financial regulator.
In person training details
Asisa Academy
Where will it take place?
June 13, 2019
Completion time
8.5 hours
CPD points
Qualifies for 6 FAIS CPD points
R3 150 (non-members)
Topics covered
{"FPI approval"=>"FPI18080010"}
Professional bodies
Financial Planning Institute of Southern Africa
In person training registration
Registration deadline 31 May for training June 13, 2019
Registration deadline 20 August for training September 4, 2019
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