Cultural diversity in Financial Planning online course

This module is aimed at providing students with an understanding of the various theories and thoughts associated with culture, and its diverse nature.

Cultural diversity within financial planning stretches far beyond the issue of colour, race or social standing and is in fact multi-faceted.

In order to develop niche markets and comprehend different value systems, financial planners need to understand South African culture, as well as different generations and how their value systems differ.

The financial planner will begin to appreciate the importance of embracing an ever-evolving culture, steeped in different levels of diversity. How to simply ‘talk’ about diversity and to address it within a more inclusive financial planning environment is the true meaning of cultural intelligence (CQ).

Once you have successfully completed this course, you will be able to:
  1. Define culture, diversity and cultural diffusion.
  2. Discuss the impact that culture, social classes and the generational gap have on the financial services industry.
  3. Explain how an inclusive business environment can be established.
  4. Explain the different dimensions of diversity to enhance the financial planner’s cultural intelligence.

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