Presentation skills for financial planners online course

Communication is one of the fundamental skills financial planners and financial advisers require to effectively deal with clients. The Financial Planning Institute of Southern Africa (FPI) identified the following aspects as important elements of communication in the Financial Planner Professional Skills Matrix:
  • Establish good rapport with the client and others.
  • Listen to what clients and others are saying, and take time to make sure you understand the points being made.
  • Communicate information and solutions in a manner that the client can understand.
  • Present logical and persuasive rationales.
  • Deal effectively with objections and complaints.
  • Reach agreement with clients and others.

The purpose of this course is to introduce concepts that will enable participants to present to clients in such a way that clients would want to listen, and in such a manner that will improve the client’s understanding and convince clients to be willing to take action.

Once you have successfully completed this course, you will be able to:
  1. Prepare a client presentation.
  2. Apply techniques which will improve the client’s understanding of the information being presented.

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