Umbrella funds option,including costing online course

The aim of this short course is to provide a brief insight into the retirement funds available, including the role that umbrella funds play in retirement fund provision. It also provides an overview of the structure of umbrella funds and options available. A look into the costing of umbrella funds is also briefly made.

The course is aimed at providing knowledge and insights to financial planning students, professionals who do not specialise in employee benefits, or those who wish to gain exposure to retirement funds and employee benefits.

Once you have successfully completed this course, you will be able to:
  1. Understand the basic nature of retirement funds available in South Africa.
  2. Understand how an umbrella fund broadly operates.
  3. Understand how an umbrella fund is structured.
  4. Understand some of the costs required with managing a retirement fund
  5. Have some insights to cost savings by participating in an umbrella fund

Online course details

  • Provider FPI Centre for Professional Development
  • Where will it take place? -
  • Dates September 17, 2018 - September 17, 2019
  • Completion time 2 hours
  • CPD points 2 Online CPD points
  • Costs R250 (members)
    R250 (non-members)
  • Topics covered Asset Management, Estate Planning, Retirement Planning, and Tax Planning
  • Categories COB Category - Pension Fund Benefits
  • Registration FPI18100129
  • Professional bodies Financial Planning Institute of Southern Africa

Online course registration


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