Requirements and Impact of FICA on Accountable Institutions in person training

This FPI-recognised seminar will provide you with a comprehensive, up-to-date understanding of the requirements and duties as set out by the Financial Intelligence Centre and as updated by the FIC Amendment Act.

FIC requires that all employees of accountable institutions to be trained and familiar with the requirements of the Act and refresh their knowledge on a regular basis. By attending this seminar you will be compliant with the FIC Act with regards to training.

Who should attend?
All employees of accountable institutions, including attorneys, estate agents, financial advisors, financial instruments traders, bank employees, collective investment schemes employees, foreign exchange agents, gambling agents etc.

How will attendees benefit?
After attending this seminar, you will:
  • Have a better understanding of FICA, relevant anti-money laundering legislation and the Financial Action Task Force and its purpose.
  • Understand the seven pillars of compliance and the consequences of non-compliance.
  • Be able to submit Cash Threshold Reports, Suspicious Activity Reports and Terrorist Property Reports and be able to explain when this needs to be done.
  • Understand the purpose and responsibilities of the FICA or Section 43 compliance officer.
  • Describe examples of financial crimes and how these can be avoided.
  • Describe the newly signed FIC Amendment Act and how it differs from the existing legislation.

In person training details

In person training registration

Various available dates and venues.


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