Ethics And Corporate Governance online course

FSPs that recognise the importance of having an ethical culture understand that it helps them operate more profitably by promoting a positive reputation and public image.

Your clients’ trust, employee productivity and satisfaction, and diversity and tolerance in the workplace are strengthened by having a standard of ethics in your business.

Building an ethical culture that is supported by sound corporate governance principles and practice allows your FSP to comply with ethical and legal standards set by regulation. When corporate governance principles are executed in your FSP, your employees can identify unethical behaviour that helps prevent fraud and criminal liability against your business.

The Ethics and Corporate Governance Online Course is an FPI-recognised, interactive online course that covers the following topics:
  1. Introduction to Ethics
  2. Ethics in Business
  3. Corporate Governance and the King Codes
  4. Ethics and Compliance
  5. Ethics in Practice

Each module is followed by an interactive quiz so you can assess your level of understanding as you progress through the course.

In addition, you will also have access to Ombud case studies. You can choose the case study relevant to your line of business and by working through this case study you can cement your understanding of ethical codes and standards that are required in your FSP.

We estimate that the course should take two hours to complete. You will, however, have access to the course for 30 days, and during this time you will be able to review and work through the content as many times as you like.

Who should complete this course?
This course is relevant to all businesses – big or small, and all employees – senior or junior.

How will learners benefit?
By completing the FPI-recognised Ethics and Corporate Governance Online Course, you will:
  • Understand what ethics means in a business context.
  • Understand the King Codes and how they relate to corporate governance and ethics.
  • Understand how to be compliant with ethical and legal codes and regulations in South Africa.
  • Be able to apply ethical standards and codes to your own business and context.
  • Be able to identify unethical behaviour.

Online course details

Online course registration

You can either purchase this course individually or you can purchase it as part of a CPD package deal that is currently running on all our online content. This deal has been structured to give you easy access to FSCA CPD hours in a convenient and affordable way.


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