FICA 2018/19 online course

The FICA Online Course has been reset for the year 2018–2019 and includes the latest information on the FIC Amendment Act, so you will be up to date with the Financial Intelligence Centre Act, the Amendment Act, and other anti-money laundering legislation.

The FICA Online Course is an FPI-recognised, interactive online training programme that will cover the following modules:
  1. Introduction to FICA and other anti-money laundering legislation
  2. A Risk-Based Approach
  3. FICA Requirements
  4. Reporting
  5. Governance
  6. Financial Crime
  7. Roadmap to Implementing the FIC Amendment Act

After working through each module, you will complete an interactive quiz so you can continually assess your level of understanding as you progress through the course.

You can review the content as many times as you like. We estimate that the course content should take you three hours, but you have 30 days to work through the content.

Who should complete this course?
All employees of accountable institutions, however, employees of reporting institutions can also benefit from completing this course. Since the exemptions in terms of FICA have been withdrawn, everyone now needs to become knowledgeable regarding their FICA responsibilities.If you haven't completed the FICA Online Course within the last 12 months, you should complete this course as part of your annual, ongoing FICA training.

How will learners benefit?
The FIC Amendment Act requires that all employees of accountable institutions be familiar with the requirements of the Act and must be provided with ongoing training. By completing the FICA Online Course, you will not only be compliant with the FIC Act with regard to training, but you will:
  • Have a better understanding of FICA, the Amendment Act, relevant anti-money laundering legislation, and the Financial Action Task Force and its purpose.
  • Become familiar with the risk-based approach and what this means with regard to compliance with FICA.
  • Understand the seven pillars of compliance and the consequences of non-compliance.
  • Be able to submit Cash Threshold Reports, Suspicious Activity Reports and Terrorist Property Reports and be able to explain when it needs to be done.
  • Understand the governance requirements as stipulated by the FIC Amendment Act.
  • Describe examples of financial crimes and how these can be avoided.
  • Be aware of important dates for implementation and have a checklist to ensure you have covered all the requirements for compliance with FICA.

Online course details

Online course registration

You can either purchase this course individually or you can purchase it as part of a CPD package deal that is currently running on all our online content. This deal has been structured to give you easy access to FSCA CPD hours in a convenient and affordable way.


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