Compliant use of Social Media in Financial Services Course video

This course assists employees in the financial services industry to use social media compliantly. It covers:
  • Constitutional rights, various acts and the limitations imposed.
  • New marketing techniques and financial blogging checkpoints.
  • The creation and benefits of social media policies.​

The course consists of 50-minute video and ends with a short quiz to test your knowledge and verify the learning. The pass mark for the course is 60% and you may attempt the quiz three times in order to achieve the pass mark and earn the 1 verifiable CPD hour.

Learners will be able to download the presentation in PDF format for making notes and future reference.

Once you have passed the quiz, you will be able to download a certificate of successful completion.

Who should complete this course?
The content of this course is geared for all employees in the financial services industry who are active social media users. It includes some marketing fundamentals and is not intended for marketing specialists.

How will learners benefit?
  • You will become aware of the law so that you use and enjoy social media, but stay within the law.
  • You will learn the value of professional online personas and how they affect your success as well as your employees.
  • You will become aware of contemporary marketing techniques and how you can add to their effectiveness.
  • You will embrace social media policies as guides to help you rather than hinder you.

Video details

Video registration

You can either purchase this course individually or you can purchase it as part of a CPD package deal that is currently running on all our online content. This deal has been structured to give you easy access to FSCA CPD hours in a convenient and affordable way.


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